How to monitor data cleansing performance

Although daily monitoring of backlogs is a hands-on approach to data cleansing project management, it is also vital for the project manager to see the bigger picture – the overall weekly improvement of supplier data quality. Reassessing the quality of supplier master data once a week allows:

  • correcting the tactics and reacting quickly when relocation of available resources is required
  • finding any circumstances when previously cleansed data is becoming corrupted, noticing any cases where temperate process fix was not adequately implemented or was malfunctioning
  • maintaining a direct connection between the team’s performance and data quality improvement
  • evaluate data that lost its actuality on the course of the project

Datanovel independently prepares weekly updates for data cleansing projects, conducting the complete verification of supplier master data with official sources once a week. Effectively, delivering Awareness of Data Quality every week in the nice dashboard-like format. An example of the weekly report from Datanovel (Download):

The improvement in the percentage of records with up-to-date and complete data is the ultimate indicator of the success data cleansing project. This can be reported weekly to all stakeholders:

  • members of the data cleansing team;
  • stakeholders within various functions who are interested in achieving supplier master data excellence, and who are significantly affected by implemented temporary process fixes;
  • digital transformation leads and technical data migration teams (these people do know the value of the quality data);
  • senior stakeholders who provide sponsorship and support to the project.

The following slide can be used for issuing such status update.

A detailed status report can be provided on improvement of each data point when requested by a stakeholder, thereby enabling them to follow the issues weekly, and to offer timely additional help and support if required. 

The following slide can be used for such weekly update:

To start receiving such weekly updates about your vendor file, please enquire us for: